Thursday, April 3, 2014

Advocare 24 Day Challenge: Day 4

Well today did not go that great. While usually that would mean I over indulged, today I got so wrapped up that I didn't eat enough. Eating less once in awhile isn't going to hurt you but making a habit of it will. It can actually work against any efforts you are making to lose weight as your body hits starvation mode and pulls it's resources. Don't get me wrong, today was a really good day... I just wish I had set a better example for you all!

Here's how day 4 went:

8:00am: Woke up. Took a shower. Got ready... Took the boy downstairs. 

9:00am: Made my Spark. Took my Catalyst and Probiotic. Fiber is done with until the end of the first 10 days so I get a break from that.

Had an awesome breakfast planned to show you guys but wrote down the wrong time for Stones speech therapy and didn't think I would have time. Opted for a meal replacement shake. This is an option they give you on the challenge... To drink a meal replacement shake instead of breakfast. Of course, you'd have to order more shakes to do this. They are actually very very good. I like berry and vanilla. 

I did try the Chocolate Mocha today and enjoyed the coffee flavor! They are packed with protein so you aren't left feeling hungry. 

Breakfast Breakdown: 265 calories
Spark - 45 calories
Chocolate Mocha Meal Replacement Shake - 220 calories

Matt drinks a shake every morning. He says he loves that he knows exactly how he will feel following it. No guess work to his morning.

10:00am: Played with Stone letting him color and pretend. 

11:00am: Stone had speech therapy. 

Noon: The sun came out and it was so nice out I decided to walk the neighborhood before putting him down for a nap. Walked 1.75 miles at a 3.0mph pace. Finished first 25oz of water.

2:00pm:  Finally got around to eating lunch. Those shakes really sustain if you can't tell. Lunch was a variation of yesterday's lunch.

Lunch Breakdown: 421 Calories
Honey smoked turkey breast 4oz - 140 calories
Munster Cheese - 80 calories
Deli style mustard- 0 calories
Dry roasted wasabi edemama (1/4 cup) - 130 calories
Broccoli, tomatoes, red peppers- 51 calories
1 tbsp of Ginger dressing for veggies- 40 calories

4:30pm: Momma called wanting to walk and that we did! Another 1.75 miles at 3.0mph.

6:00pm: By the time everyone got home and ready Matt and I actually needed to leave. We met friends tonight to see Gods Not Dead. So rather than cook the meal I prepared we decided to grab a bite before the movie.

6:45pm: Our typical go to place when we eat out is Panera. They have a hidden menu that is awesome. I wasn't hungry since I ate lunch so late so I opted for a small cup of soup. Matt had the better option- a Power Steak Wrap Salad with double meat. Finished 2nd round of 25oz of water.

Dinner breakdown: 270 calories
Turkey Chili in Cup- 190 calories
Apple - 80 calories

They were selling these rings at Panera for a dollar to support our local autism center so of course we got them...

7:30pm: Went to a movie. Matt once again tempted me as he got a small popcorn but I withheld and drank my liter of water! Last 25+ ounces for the day!

10:30pm: Knew I should probably have a light snack before bed so I went ahead and had my Caramel Strawberry Crunch (recipe: but added some extra strawberries and used a whole rice cake. I guess maybe it was around 150 calories. Took my herbal cleanse and my omegaplex.


So I did not meet my 1,400 calorie a day goal. I did do well with my pie chart:

I think today is a good time to talk about "messing up." Most people would call today a win because I was significantly under my calories but to me it's not. This is about being healthy. I want to be healthy... Not skinny. If you mess up in either direction don't go fill your calories or feel bad about going over. It happens! We can't be perfect! Pick yourself up and start fresh tomorrow.

Okay folks, I'm tired! Until tomorrow...

God's Not Dead. :)

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